
Showing posts from October, 2017

Audiences blog post

  What is an audience?       An audience are people who watch, listen, read and interact to different mediums of text. The example of this can be TV programs, Radio shows, newspapers, gaming and websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.         Why are audiences in important?       Audiences are important for two reasons in the Media industry. Firstly there are important for any producer considering making any type of text to know their audience, as they can tailor their they are going to produce to what their audience are going to be interested in. Furthermore, it helps a producer to have limitations in places and concentrate on specific codes and conventions that will make that production popular. Furthermore , knowing a audience as   helps a producer to make profit on   the text they tare producing . This also is effective in another sense as the more money that is made from a text, they more funding there will be to fund futu

Photography coulour temperature

 Last lesson in photography we looked at colour temperature  and white balance which is natural  day light. This is 6000K kelvin . Light is made up of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from colours red to violet . Physical light is made up of white light. When a video is taken using a camera to contrast the light , use the  above lights with the colour.  White balance can be used in an indoor or out door environment . To create a nice even tone hold a white sheet of paper in front of the camera .  Different  coloured paper helps to create different tones. For instance putting blue paper in front of the camera creates a cold tone, but generates a warm yellow effect, making natural light look warm. This is a good technique to use if a film needs to be shot in an winter environment and is summer time. The same applies for if a film needs to be shot in the summer and it was water. This can  also help with creating a horror movie or shooting at night. Holding a warm colou

future media.

The item i'm going to write  about that have improved in technology is a go pro camera. Go pro is always looking at ways to make there cameras user friendly.  For example, the 'Go pro 5 has voice activation , so enables the consumer to take there videos and photo immediate and quick. This allows them to capture action when they want to with out missing any action. Unlike the 'Go pro 4 where it does not feature voice activation , making it slower for the consumer to capture their footage. The voice activation would benefit me with my studies as I sometimes find it a challenge to hold a camera and take a photo or video without shaking it . So this would probably  allow me to achieve  more focus photos.

Psycho shower scene evalaution

This is my updated evaluation on what went well and what needed improvement. Today we screened our Psycho scenes to  the class and collated feedback on what was good and what could be improved in the future. There were aspects of the shower scene that could have been better . The scene had a good use of sound effects but I felt that it needed some  horror music added to it to create drama, suspense and terror. Music could have manipulated the viewers' emotions, particularly if the music had a similar rhythm to the stabbing motion. The sounds we used were too normal to create a sense of horror. The sound of the screaming on the scene was not sustained long enough to convey the female character's fear and shock.  Peer feedback agreed on these things. The sound of the cabbage being stabbed was not synchronised with the actual scene. My peers agreed that using something other than a cabbage would have been better. The cabbage being stabbed was not distinct enough and was dro

photography 3 point lighting .

There are three types of lights that are used to create effect in photography. This is called 'Three Point lighting , which include the key light - this is  known as the front light, fill light which is the light at the side and the rim light which is the back light. Using three point lighting can replicate different themes. For example the first theme we looked at was horror lighting.  This can be used to create tension and suspense . As the lighting creates shadows on peoples faces it makes it have a  scary effect.   The coloured  gel   is put on top  of tungsten tubes. The lights shine on the coloured jail and then reflect  on the walls , so when the lights are turned off the background is coloured  with what ever gel is used making the background look more believable and 3D. To achieve this effect also use harsh lighting . The four sets ups Redheads the power usage was good  it was 450W.  The bigness of the lights where very bright  The coverage focus was very good

Men in Black 750 essay .

The music in the toilet scene in ‘Men and Black 2’ is intense to make the audience feel engaged and create an ambient emotion. In addition to this the tempo is ironically fast to make us feel suspense and want to keep watching the scene. In the same context the instrumentation uses  contrapuntal sound which contradicts the mood and emotion of the scene.  The instrumentation that is used contains violins and treble bass, this contributes to the score, and this is where music is composed arranged specifically for the scene. The purpose of this is to make us feel connected as an audience and to capture our attention as we are waiting for something to happen This is done by using empathetic sound which matches the mood or emotion of on screen events. For example this is used when  the two men are being flushed down the toilet. There is a use of dialogue in this scene which refers to the characters speaking in the film. The dialogue is high pitched,  this has an effect on the ambience

Summary of the Psycho shower scene for the due date of the 17/10/17-Stuart

What went well: On the whole I thought the recreation of the 'Psycho' shower scene went really well. At the start of the task we had to be put into groups of four and use different materials  to  make  a recreation of the sound. All the sounds that are  in the video are not downloaded off the internet and are produced by our group.  We went in to different parts of the college to create these sounds and also to get good acoustics. After we recorded the sounds we went into the editing booth to download the sounds on to the computer and imported them into Premier Pro. We each took turns editing the sounds to synchronise it with the video film with the layers of sound being perfectly synchronised with the video. What did not go well  When we were using Premier Pro to edit our sounds the programme decided to automatically shut down itself without any reason having the impact of our work being lost. Of the sounds I remember from the session, I felt that the cabbage

Photography Week 5 final week of the carousel

This week on the carousel we went to photography  we learnt  the anatomy of a camera and how it works. The two types of cameras we explored were: a DSLR (Digital lens reflex and SLR (Single lens reflex) Looking though the view finder allows you to take a picture. An SLR camera allows lenses to be changed , this can be really useful when sports photographers want to use a long lens to bring the subject closer. How a camera works: Light comes though the glass , inside are convex and concave lenses so light gets bent back into the camera body. This is the aperture it controls how much light goes in. The  wider it opens the more will go in and the  smaller it opens less light  will go in  The mirror is what makes it a DSLR as lenses are upside down  so the mirror turns things the right way up. When the mirror flips up out of the way the shutter speeds records the image . A digital has a lot more mechanics then an old camera . Digital camera image is recorded on a c

Media write up 4/10/17

This week on carousel we went to our own department which was  media. We learnt how to work as a team in a real live production setting . The task was to create a 1 minute  TV advert  showcasing a Bic pen . we had to do this working  as a whole group, however  we all had to  chose a specific job role , just like in the media industry  and  have good communication skills across the whole team to notify each other of what was going on. Firstly,  we were taught about some health and safety  rules that must be followed when being  in  the TV studio. Health and safety rules: Make sure  cables and wires  on the floor are cellotaped down to prevent people from tripping over and stopping any injures.  Do not  have any food and drink whist being in the studio in case  they are dropped on the floor and people slip.  in a addition to this equipment can become sticky when handling it after having food or drink and may stop it from functioning. Be aware of the lower hanging lights

write up on Foley - Stuart's lesson

The task we were were set was to watch the film 'Psycho' with no sound and think about the sounds that were added and recreate them. The scene that we were asked to recreate the sounds for was the shower scene. We were given cue sheets and told to go off into groups and try and see what materials we could use to recreate the sounds of the shower scene.  The idea of having these cue sheets was to be able to write down the materials that we would use for each part of the shower scene. Foley is a technical process where sounds are manipulated or added during the stage of post production.  We had a workshop about Foley and how we could recreate the sounds for the film scene. There were lots of different materials we could use to create sounds. This was including using a piece of bubblewrap for shower curtains; using a box of rice and pouring it into a cup for the sound effect of the shower; my wheelchair banging into a wall for the sound effect of the female character being sho

week 3 interview