Psycho shower scene evalaution

This is my updated evaluation on what went well and what needed improvement.

Today we screened our Psycho scenes to  the class and collated feedback on what was good and what could be improved in the future.

There were aspects of the shower scene that could have been better . The scene had a good use of sound effects but I felt that it needed some  horror music added to it to create drama, suspense and terror. Music could have manipulated the viewers' emotions, particularly if the music had a similar rhythm to the stabbing motion. The sounds we used were too normal to create a sense of horror. The sound of the screaming on the scene was not sustained long enough to convey the female character's fear and shock.  Peer feedback agreed on these things.

The sound of the cabbage being stabbed was not synchronised with the actual scene. My peers agreed that using something other than a cabbage would have been better. The cabbage being stabbed was not distinct enough and was drowned out by the sound of the water.

There should have been sinister music when you see the man walking up to the shower curtain to heighten the atmosphere. The screaming could have gone on for longer and my peers said that the scream had bits cut out and there was static sound. The sound of the balloon being rubbed, which was to recreate the sound of her arm sliding down the shower tiles, could not be heard and needed to be louder. There should have been the sound of laboured breathing added to emphasise her struggling to breathe.

My peers found the woman's humming convincing and funny.

Generally the editing process went well as I felt that my partner and I were focused on the task and let each other take turns to edit. But the completed scene was very bland even though we had some good sound effects that made the scene believable. During the editing process there was an issue with the file being lost and we had to recreate the sequence from the beginning.

I wish I had known how to create an echo effect because I think it would have made the screaming more realistic for a horror film. 

Summarising these following effects:

Synchronisation: I felt that mostly I was able to achieve and control this.

Volume Balance: There was not a volume balance as some of the sounds were quieter than others.

Adding Music: We were not able to achieve this.

Equalisation: We achieved a treble sound effect because of the screaming effect.

Effects: We did not achieve fully what we wanted though with the screaming effect we achieved exactly the right pitch.

What went well:
  • The sound of the female character humming.
  • The sound of the shower water was believable
  • The sound of the shower curtain was good.

Even Better If:

To achieve volume balance, I would look at the waveform and look at the peaks to see where the exact level was peaking compared to a louder sound and then change the audio peak to match the same level with the other sound.


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