Audiences blog post

What is an audience?



 An audience are people who watch, listen, read and interact to different mediums of text. The example of this can be TV programs, Radio shows, newspapers, gaming and websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.





Why are audiences in important?



 Audiences are important for two reasons in the Media industry. Firstly there are important for any producer considering making any type of text to know their audience, as they can tailor their they are going to produce to what their audience are going to be interested in. Furthermore, it helps a producer to have limitations in places and concentrate on specific codes and conventions that will make that production popular. Furthermore , knowing a audience as  helps a producer to make profit on  the text they tare producing . This also is effective in another sense as the more money that is made from a text, they more funding there will be to fund future ideas. Finally, as a producer having a mass audiences means the text can be shared with people across different  social platforms , therefore people access it instant and quick from any electronic device meaning it can be promoted and advertised. From a consumers point of view it is important from the consumers put of view because they should have a say in what channels should be broadcasted otherwise they will not be interested . I will about the use of the two different systems later that record the amount of audience views that are seen on TV  by the most amount of people that watch then program.





The  impact of new technology on audiences





There is a big impact on the use of technology and how it can help audiences to quickly  listen , view and read these  texts. Technology has created platforms for texts to be shared , advertised and promoted with  everyone.  Furthermore,  it allows people to access this content quickly from an electronic device such as a Smart phone , Laptop or PC keeping them updated. For example the BBC news app helps the consumer to access the news be the use of mimetically by just pressing the app and quickly souring the information you want to read. Rather than having to want for the 'press, to print an analogue newspaper   The source of technology has grown to enable allowing audiences to also become bigger, this helps these organization's to generate profit, as without an audience there will be no profit .





Mass media is becoming more competitive.  All the different types of media texts whether they are, radio, TV or print are competing with one other for audience numbers. The texts that the most amount of audience’s numbers are what are known as mainstream texts, these would be texts known as BBC One and Two. This is because they have a multi construe of genres that will appeal to a mass audience but are still competing with channel such as ITV and channel 4...





Technology has enabled new platforms for these texts to be read, viewed and shared. These platforms are known as web links, social media, Facebook, Twitter and Istrigam.  These can allow the consumer to access content more quickly and share it with others.





Because to these  platforms old media  That use to have  a higher amount of audience have to work harder to broadcast programs that will be more popular ,





Fragmented audiences.





Due to the use of technology and higher amounts of audiences, watching, viewing or listening to the same thing. To help define audiences we use the term fragmented.  A fragmented audience division of audiences into similar groups due to the variety of media outlets...  Two examples of this is an E. book and an analogue book some people will prefer to read an E. book as it's quicker and its portable where as other people will want to hold something that is tacktarl. The same applies for the use of an E. magazine , the is a fragmented audience some petiole will subscribe to the news on their phone and get news updates on their phone and others will want a physical copy to  hold in their hand.










The advantages of digital is that it is free  and you can subscribe to newsletters For example you can subscribe to the sun newsletter to get updates on different stories and updates on  what’s going on in the world . Whereas some people will want to read as an analogue paper.





Different types of audience:





As I   mentioned in  the paragraph about  the impact of technology  the industry to advertise is becoming very completive     because of the  competitive because of mass media . Just as there is a mass media for the programs that are most popular, to be able to maintain these programs and fund them , the has to be a mass audience in order for producers to make money from a productions.





A mass Audience is usually an audiences that reads, views, or watches or listens to mainstream channels or products . For instance BBC 1 as that features many different genres and cultures that will appeal    to most of the population.





A niche audience is an audience that enjoys specific programs . For example gardeners world would be at that type of audience as the people who watch it would manly be interested in gardening.





Finally, There are two different systems that help producers and advertising target their programs to the right target audience and also  advertisers for commercial purposes to help fund and gain revenue. This is called physograpthics . This can help define seven things about audiences members watching the program.  mostly their personality .










Demongrapthics is how audiences are measured though their age , gender ,Nationality/Regionality. This helps a producer know what target audience will most likely be successful with their program . what time to broadcast it because of the age and what gender it would appeal to the most.






























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