Photography coulour temperature

 Last lesson in photography we looked at colour temperature  and white balance which is natural  day light. This is 6000K kelvin .

Light is made up of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from colours red to violet .

Physical light is made up of white light. When a video is taken using a camera to contrast the light , use the  above lights with the colour.  White balance can be used in an indoor or out door environment . To create a nice even tone hold a white sheet of paper in front of the camera .

 Different  coloured paper helps to create different tones. For instance putting blue paper in front of the camera creates a cold tone, but generates a warm yellow effect, making natural light look warm. This is a good technique to use if a film needs to be shot in an winter environment and is summer time. The same applies for if a film needs to be shot in the summer and it was water. This can  also help with creating a horror movie or shooting at night. Holding a warm coloured piece of paper such as orange helps to create a blue screen, This helps to make natural light look cold.

The theory of creating warmer and darker tones when shooting a video or a movie is to hold a opposite piece of paper in colour to generate the tone that is required.

Different coloured gels can also be used to create warmer and darker tones. Even though  warmer coloured paper and gels creates darker tones if a gel or piece of coloured paper is more  darker or lighter, it will generate a stronger tone. For example: Using a stronger orange gel creates a stronger blue coloured screen.

camera settings:

If a video is being shot during the day , set the white balance   to day light , this is a symbol  of a sun usually.   There are also different types of settings that can be adjusted with white balance,  these are  an  incandescent setting,  this is indoor setting, overcast setting,, this can be used outdoors using shade  and a fluorescent lighting shot using your fluorescent setting.

The manual setting on a video camera looks like a square with to cut of triangle's  as a symbol . Auto balance can be  set to an auto setting , but it's best to set it on manual as then   the operate can mix the colour casts themselves to get correct colour balance and tone they want. Auto balance means is not as reliable.


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