photography 3 point lighting .

There are three types of lights that are used to create effect in photography. This is called 'Three Point lighting , which include the key light - this is  known as the front light, fill light which is the light at the side and the rim light which is the back light.

Using three point lighting can replicate different themes. For example the first theme we looked at was horror lighting.  This can be used to create tension and suspense . As the lighting creates shadows on peoples faces it makes it have a  scary effect.   The coloured  gel   is put on top  of tungsten tubes. The lights shine on the coloured jail and then reflect  on the walls , so when the lights are turned off the background is coloured  with what ever gel is used making the background look more believable and 3D.
To achieve this effect also use harsh lighting .

The four sets ups

Redheads the power usage was good  it was 450W.  The bigness of the lights where very bright  The coverage focus was very good and they were easy to use . The health and safety of these lights are is that they must be turned when moving them as they are very hot and can cause injures  to the eyes by looking into them.

The next type of lighting we looked at is  natural lighting .  This is lighting that is used in the studio when filming a TV production.

The Ari 300s had a power usage of    450W. The brightness of the lights were dim the coverage focus was ok and they were flexible to use.

  with the daydo  light the power usage was 900w , it was not very blight , the coverage focus was very good and it was easy to use.

we  also worked in groups to take it in turns to be the model use the lights and operate the camera. Overall the group I was in worked pretty well.


Barn doors.

These are light modifiers that  the shape and direct light .

They have a good flexibility and can produce focused light .

They also make a range of shapes.

We also used 3.5 amps  and extension leads..

These are the lenses that sit in the barn doors.

Tungsten tubes:

The tungsten tubes is what the coulored gels get put on top of and the frenallens reflects the coulor onto the wall .


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