
Showing posts from November, 2017

Props characters theory unit 4

There are eight different character types in the media industry of TV and film. These are: The hero, the villain, the donor, the dispatcher, the princess prize, the keeper, the father of the princess and the false hero. In this section of this report I will now define what each character means in the media of TV and film and how the audience perceives them and give an example for each. The Hero is somebody who people look up to and admire and they always have a positive representation in the story. A good example would be Luke Skywalker from the films 'Star Wars.' We follow the hero's story and how he or she achieves their goals or tasks, e.g, saving the world or saving the princess from the bad guy, or scoring the winning goal. Then there is the opposite  character to the hero, the Villain, which has a negative representation to people and has negative traits. The Villain can be evil but is not always so. He or she may just be a person who gets in the way of the her

The types of audience theories for unit 4 report

There are two different types of theory models that are generally recognised by the media. One is known as the hyperdermic needle theory. This theory suggests that all audiences are passive and choose to consume different texts in the same way and do not challenge anything they hear or see. A good example to relate to this theory of a TV production would be the News in particular the way the political information may be presented. It is also a way that gets people to perceive information in one particular way. A good example of this would be the political debates leading up to the Brexit referendum in which certain agendas were being pushed by each side. The theory was developed in the 1920s and 1930s due to political propaganda. Another example of passive consumption of media was when people became convinced that the War of the Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 was true and that the events of aliens landing were actually happening. Drawbacks on this theory model. It assumes that

Group ideas for mind map


Researching TV productionS

The Tv production I  chosen to write about is the reality show , This Morrning here is the link. Set / location of the production. In the introduction of the show we see the location and set the presenters are in when presenting the program before cutting to segments that are going to be featured in the show. Even though the production is recorded in a studio , the producer of the show wants to create a relaxed and casual environment.  They do this by creating a typical home environment featuring a kitchen and a lounge area. This is where guests will be interviewed and sometimes they use these areas to present the program rather than standing up and looking at the camera. This establishes a connection with the audience. For the producers it is very important to create the right set environment  when producing a TV program . This is because they want the audience to feel engaged and interactive. For instance in the TV show 'Thi

Creating an interview

When creating an interview it is important to se up the camera in the right place ,. This is so you do not waste time. The 180 degree rule is a very important  rule when interviewing this is so footage  can be captured with out a scene or location feeling  out of place and  create a good composition    Eye contact is very important to make the interviewee feel engaged. Make sure  as an itderrviewer you listen to provide more answers from your interviewee and interesting facts. Here is the 180 degree diagram It is important when shooting an interview to have the frame at a good scale, this is to make sure the audience watching sees the viewer but also notice the surrounds .

representation stereo types

How does the film challenge and reinforce stereotypes.? The film Power series reinforces and challenges stereotypes in a positive way as there are different genders races and nationalities. What is emphasised by representation in the TV series Positive featuring of the stereotypes of representation because unlike most series, white British people are predominatley known to be the main groups of people that British UK citizens know and relate to. What does the representation neglect to tell us? N/A Is a particular group being under- represented or omitted entirely?Why? No, a there are mixed nationalities  featured in the TV series. What is the dominant messages of the TV series  and are these reinforced by representation? The title Power series is used as a tile to state and emphasise that all regions and nationalities should have power and control and should be equally featured in the film.  The main character of the film is Black. What dominant Ideoligies are being pres