The types of audience theories for unit 4 report

There are two different types of theory models that are generally recognised by the media. One is known as the hyperdermic needle theory. This theory suggests that all audiences are passive and choose to consume different texts in the same way and do not challenge anything they hear or see. A good example to relate to this theory of a TV production would be the News in particular the way the political information may be presented. It is also a way that gets people to perceive information in one particular way. A good example of this would be the political debates leading up to the Brexit referendum in which certain agendas were being pushed by each side.

The theory was developed in the 1920s and 1930s due to political propaganda. Another example of passive consumption of media was when people became convinced that the War of the Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 was true and that the events of aliens landing were actually happening.

Drawbacks on this theory model.

It assumes that no one has an individual response to the media and that they can be easily influenced. It takes a simplistic and negative view of the media, implying that it brain washes people. It was created in part to explain the political extremism in the 1930s but it does not necessarily have an application or relevance beyond it, though this theory could be used when marketing products in order to make people believe that they have to buy the relevant product to be a certain kind of person or look a particular way. 

Linear communication model

The linear communication model implies that the communication only goes one way and that people do not respond or give feedback, i.e. meaning that they are passive and do not challenge anything.

The next type of model I am going to introduce is the gratification model. 

The gratification model has a different assumption to the hyperdermic needle model and assumes that media consumers are actively making decisions for themselves and are responding in individual ways to the media. The model also suggests that we have particular needs and media products are designed to satisfy us.

A good example to support this model would be the TV series 'The Walking Dead' which creates discussion between people on social media and on chat shows such as 'The Talking Dead,' where people can be interactive and give opinions and feedback.  This type of interaction on social media or discussing favourite TV series allows people to escape from their everyday problems.  Newspapers, music, and videos are also examples of interactive media text.

People tend to create an identity from the types of media they like, for example, the kind of films they watch, the music they listen to, etc. This is an example of careful choosing in order to stand out as an individual.

One of the drawbacks of the gratification model is that there is a limited choice from the media producers  because they have an agenda, which may be partly political, or they are pushing a product (TV show) for the agenda of keeping up their ratings.


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