representation stereo types

How does the film challenge and reinforce stereotypes.?
The film Power series reinforces and challenges stereotypes in a positive way as there are different genders races and nationalities.

What is emphasised by representation in the TV series
Positive featuring of the stereotypes of representation because unlike most series, white British people are predominatley known to be the main groups of people that British UK citizens know and relate to.

What does the representation neglect to tell us?

Is a particular group being under- represented or omitted entirely?Why?
No, a there are mixed nationalities  featured in the TV series.

What is the dominant messages of the TV series  and are these reinforced by representation?
The title Power series is used as a tile to state and emphasise that all regions and nationalities should have power and control and should be equally featured in the film.  The main character of the film is Black.

What dominant Ideoligies are being presented or criticised by the reprobation of the screen?
The ideoligies  that are being represented in the film  are being resented in a positive way as to an american based  series.  In america part of their culture is to be free and have control make money and be successful.

What are the films social and political contexts?
The TV series social and political contexts are that because it is an american based film, most of the actors should be mixed colour and gender.  On the political side people viewing this film in america would find this film positive because in america black people are accepted.

How are the elements of the film used to construct representation?
During the trailer the elements of the films construct the use of representation in a good way as the director doesn't stick to one social group and tries to have equal nationalities based on their skills rather than the way other countries would perceive them.


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