Researching TV productionS

The Tv production I  chosen to write about is the reality show , This Morrning

here is the link.

Set / location of the production.

In the introduction of the show we see the location and set the presenters are in when presenting the program before cutting to segments that are going to be featured in the show. Even though the production is recorded in a studio , the producer of the show wants to create a relaxed and casual environment.  They do this by creating a typical home environment featuring a kitchen and a lounge area. This is where guests will be interviewed and sometimes they use these areas to present the program rather than standing up and looking at the camera. This establishes a connection with the audience.

For the producers it is very important to create the right set environment  when producing a TV program . This is because they want the audience to feel engaged and interactive.
For instance in the TV show 'This Morning' the producers of the show have decided to  create a theme that the target audience can relate to and since this is a reality TV shows which contains
segments such  as interviews with celebrities,  they have  deliberately chosen this location to generate interest with the audience .

The main reason why this is important for the producer is because if they have a high audience number they will generate a reasonable profit.

To engage the audience with the show the producer also uses props you would normally find in a home environment  . If you look at the picture below you will see there is a fruit bowl on the window ledge to indicate that it is a friendly and home-like setting. This makes it feel like an extension of your own home..

The purpose of this is to make the audience feel interested in the program and establish a connection with the  presenters.

By making them feel interested in the show they will be able to remember the program and what it entails , and maybe see certain elements that they feel engaged with.

Colour palette and tone used within the show .

The colour palette used in the show contains vibrant and bright colours. This makes the audiences feel invited to watch the show as the colours are eye catching to the viewer Also the   colour of the clothes that the presenters are wearing illustrates the type of audience that may watch it, for instance people that may like socialising and being friendly. This is also emphasised by the high key lighting that is used.

Make up and hair :

The make up and hair are neatly styled to represent that even though it is set in a casual environment  . it still has structures and elements of a formal studio professional setting. which a  creates a connection with the audience.

The effect is to draw the audience in and to create the sense of a professional yet friendly atmosphere.  Women in particular will be interested to see what kind of make up Holly is wearing.


It is important for producers to associate the right kind of clothing with the genre of the show. The topics of the program are generally magazine-type topics and not serious as in a News programme. The clothes create a friendly effect and make the audience feel a connection with the show.

The clothes that are used in the show are casual  and smart indicating this type of  show features most current topics. They also represent the types of audience that may watch the show. These audience would be more active rather then passive . Most of these types of reality shows contains interactivity to get the audience engaged such as connection with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.

The effect of the smart clothes would be to give a sense that these could be people that you might actually know because they are not over-dressed and wear current, in-trend fashions that could be seen on the High Street.

Presenters performance.

The presenters performance  are very friendly , up beat and engaging to make  audience feel invited , welcomed and engaged in the show.

This is a screen shot to represent the style of clothes the presenters are wearing during the show.

Camera shot types:

In the photo a long shot is used to emphasis the presenters and their surroundings. Also this conveys the type of setting which is a  home-like, friendly environment setting as there is a kitchen present in the shot. However at the end of the segment there is the use of an extreme long shot , which helps us  as an audience to remember that the type of show we are watching is a  reality / news production.

The effect is that it frames the presenters and their environment and even shows the exterior view of London. This emphasises that the show is current and in a professional setting.


The editing contains smooth transitions. The purpose of this is to create a  easy transition from one segment to another and pulls people along through the various topics.

The effect of this is to make the programme easy to watch and follow.


The music used in the introduction establishes the characters and the surroundings of the show as the music is quite high key and energetic music and it suits a programme that contains several different segments such as interviews, medical topics, entertainment topics and current interest topics. It is an easy to remember tune which will make people remember the show and what it is about. This is the purpose of the show.

The effect is that because it is so recognisable it helps to make people remember the programme. If you are flicking between channels and you hear a part of that music you will instantly know which programme is beginning.


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