
Showing posts from September, 2017

Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

*****COPY ALL BELOW TO A NEW POST**** Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: To critically compare a rename of media. 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer:

Gif tutorial


week 3

Sewing Hand  stitching Showing what we have done to our peers. List your week on the Carousel We explored a range of activities in fashion and textiles, which included using a disperse dyes to paint a specific design which was then imprinted on to fabric. We had to test the powder dyes for 5 minutes to see if they were dry before we put them in the heat press and pressed them onto fabric to see how the chemical reaction with the heat presser would react and change the composition of the colours with the dye.  After we did that activity we the moved on to a technique used in textiles and fashion called free machine embroidery. Document what you did in the session o


On Monday we went down to the photography studio to look at different cameras we were asked homework . I'm going to  give a short summary of the Nikon D 5100  This model can be really good for studies It has flexible shooting positions , so students can shoot a variety of compositions. It also has a high resolution so it will good quality footage for taking photo and video productions Lastly it is able  to take many different types of memory cards depending on what your if taking photos , videos, or Capturing in HD . Price On Amazon you can by this model used at  £314.99 however, nowhere specifies  online how much is model  will be if you brought it new. Picture of the model Cameras that take film   Cameras on tripods

Week 2 first evaluation of carousel

Carousel notes- Art and Design: 1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts Ect) The evidence I collated during the Art and Design session of the Carousel was photos of me using  different art materials to draw a organic object. The reason why I took these photos was so that people can see what I was doing during the Art and Design process and also for me to remember each step of what I was doing as well. At the end of the session I took some notes on my iPad to be able to be independent and also to be able to remember what I had done in the process. Furthermore, my teaching assistant also took notes for me as well as sometimes I am not very quick at typing.  The first evidence that I collated was a picture of me sketching an organic object which was an abstract shell. Here is some photo to show my evidence: We did that task for 10 minutes and then moved onto another task which was instead of sketching the object with a pencil, we