Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods


Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods
1st. Formulate your question:
Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate.
Unit 1
U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production.
Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant.

In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do.
Answer: To critically compare a rename of media.

2nd. Gather your information:
What have you been doing that you can evaluate
On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below.

Blog link to last week:

Blog link to this week:

3rd. Apply the information
How well have you done in the sessions?
Ask yourself:
  • Which skills, Processes and Methods or tools you enjoyed the most?

If i had too evaluate how well I have done in this sessions I would say I have done very well . I have learnt a number of skills since I have been on the counsel and learnt how to apply them to different tasks. In addition to this I have learnt how to use tools and adapt some of them to my disability and try new methods which I will explain about in the last paragraph. Also I have learnt to follow process and incorporate them in the tasks I been given.

Firstly, the skills I enjoyed the most was in the first week of the carousel was when we went to art and design and we learnt how to sketch different tones and textures using a HB pencil to sketch our organic object.  The tool I used in this task was an HB pencil to sketch and shade different tones.

The reason why I liked doing this was because i felt it gave me a certain amount of freedom to be independent. Furthermore there was another skill i really enjoyed , which was the second task in art and design , the skill i leant was how to be creative and be flexible with my drawing as , we had to create a scribble drawing of our object using a biro pen which was the tool we used to complete this task.

The process to this task was to not take the biro pen off the paper and be free to be creative with how we drew our object. The reason why I enjoyed this was because there was no restrictions on how the object was drawn , and this meant the composition of the drawing could be however you wanted it to be.

Another tool I used in this session was a fine marker pen I enjoyed using this because of the density of the marks and creating hash lines meant I didn't have to press so hard this meant it was easy for me to use as I didn't have to press so hard on the paper.

There has been lots of methods i have enjoyed over the last two weeks such as blotting. This is where you brush the water onto the paper which has maker pen on it . Furthermore a paper towel can be used to stop the water from running . This method i found easy, however , when I was doing some of the methods in these sessions there were some challenges thatI i had to overcome due to my disability. One of them in particular was in text styles this week , when I used the sewing machine to stitch cotton onto my design . This was also a tool I used in this session to complete this task. During these sessions i'm always thinking about how I can adapt the way I can use certain tools with my disability, to make me as independent as possible. in this particular session when we where stitching our design using free machine embroidery , one of the tools that has to be used to stitch the design was called a foot peddle. Even though it would have been a struggle to push down on the foot peddle to make the feed dog move , which is another tool that is used in sewing to guide the fabric in all directions, when using a sewing machine . I decided to find a new method to help me be independent as possible . I asked the the tutor if I could put the foot peddle on my tray and press it with my right hand as I said due to my disability i don't have a lot of strength in my feet. However , I found the new method that I thought of worked really well as it allowed me to be independent . Nevertheless, I still had to have some help with guiding the feed dog to stitch my design but this shows i'm thinking of new methods to be as independent as possible.

  • Which of the things you have been shown could you demonstrate to another person?
The tools, methods and process i could demonstrate to someone would be blotting , in the art and design session. This is because it is a simple and easy process to follow, so people would remember it easily and I could show someone this process because I could be completely independent.

I could also show some the process of sketching as again I can be completely be independent in demonstrating , the tools, methods and processes for example the skills I could demonstrate to someone would be how to sketch and create different tones and create a good composition in a drawing.

  • Which of the things you have been shown do you need more practice with?

I feel although I have done really well in trying skills, methods and process because of my disability , I feel there are some skills I need to practice more and adapt to . For example: when I was doing hand stitching at first I was really slow with putting the needle through the fabric. At first I only put the needle though with my right hand but then I decided to challenge myself and use my left hand even though I have a weakness in it . Gradually I became faster and I feel that if I practiced it more I could get faster, even though when I was putting the needle though the fabric I had to turn the fabric over to pull the needle though. I feel if I practiced it a bit more I could be fully independent in doing this task.

4th. Consider the implications
If you were asked by a professional to use some of the tools, skills, processes how well would you do?

5. Explore other points of view
Have you considered feedback from teachers and Peers as to how well you did in the session, if so what feedback have you had?

What Feedback have you had so far that tells you you are doing okay in the session?


  1. Hi Alice generally this looks good. The answer to question 1 needs looking at and there are a couple of typos text styles should read textiles however generally you answer the questions very well and cover everything in great detail. We will look at this today in session to review what you have written and re read through.



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