week 3


Hand  stitching

Showing what we have done to our peers.

  • List your week on the Carousel

  • We explored a range of activities in fashion and textiles, which included using a disperse dyes to paint a specific design which was then imprinted on to fabric. We had to test the powder dyes for 5 minutes to see if they were dry before we put them in the heat press and pressed them onto fabric to see how the chemical reaction with the heat presser would react and change the composition of the colours with the dye.
     After we did that activity we the moved on to a technique used in textiles and fashion called free machine embroidery.

    1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
    2. List under the following 
    • Research that you carry out in these sessions
    • Skills that you have tried, 
    • Any processes 
    • and methods you used.
    • Any tools that you used.

     The type of research I carried out in the sessions was primary research. We tested the swatch powder ourselves to see what one we liked. The  tutor demonstrated to us how to test the swatch powder dyes to see if they were dry enough to paint onto cartridge paper and then heat press it onto fabric material. Furthermore we had secondary research demonstrated to us by the sewing tutor who showed us how to hand stitch with a needle and thread. We were shown secondary research by the sewing tutor that was demonstrated as a  powerpoint on the board and in addition to this was given a hand booklet. We were also shown how to perform a technique called BONDAWEB.

     There were a various number of skills that I tried during the course of two days which included testing the powder dyes, colour swatching, heat pressing onto fabric, learning how to sew using a sewing machine which this is called free machine embroidery.  

    • Testing the swatch colours (see above).
    • Pressing the cartridge paper onto fabric as mentioned in research.
    • Learning how to use free machine embroidery. You need to put your design under the sewing machine and then lower a tool called a feedog to help guide your wool to where you want it to go.
    • BONDAWEB. With BONDAWEB you use an embroidery hoop to hold the fabric. You sketch your design onto a piece of sketch paper. You choose a type of fabric you want it to stick to. You have to remember to put it around the opposite way you want your design to appear on the fabric. Then you use an iron to make the type of fabric you want stick onto the fabric design.
    • Sewing.

      5 points to improve  your critical thinking

      formulate your question
      gather your information 
      apply the information
      consider implications 
      explore other points of view 


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