Website review

The most dominant feature on the website that stands out is the animation of the falling pills.  This is because it immediately attracts the viewers eye. As it is an connotation which we would not normally expect to appear when we enter the homepage.  Also the word The Cut is represented in the colour black which can help to associate the website with symbolising it with the theme of crime.  There is music at the top left hand side which helps to create emotion and set the scene and helps the viewer to understand what genre this website is trying to promote and advertise for its target audience. the slogan underneath the title (The Cut) (What choice will you choose) implies to the viewer that this website features an interactive film and there are many roots that they can choose from.

There is a gallery section featured on the homepage which shows pictures of some of the cast. This helps to establish a connection with the audience and the characters that are featured in the film. 


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